雖然話香港人好鍾意返工,但老老實實,邊個唔想可以早啲退休、早啲蹻埋雙腳唔駛做?不過千鿋代似乎想將呢個諗法無限擴大,極力推動F.I.R.E. Movement,將理想退休年齡提前到30歲!
Flow of this podcast:
- 咩叫做F.I.R.E. Movement
- 美國嘅 401K、pension、social security 又係乜嘢?
- F.I.R.E. Movement 小歷史
- 千鿋代同 Gen Z 對金錢同工作嘅理解
Fast Company 雜誌文章: “What’s the FIRE Movement? How a trend is helping people retire in their 30’s“
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Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on Audionautix.com
#Flowomensclub, #hongkongpodcast, #香港podcast, #廣東podcast, #廣東話, #cantonese, #cantonesepodcast #FIREmovement, #30歲退休, #FinancialIndependence, #RetireEarly, #經濟獨立, #提早退休, #千鿋代