Lilian自命是個勞碌半生的achievement junkie,趕獎趕威趕叻。 曾任廣吿公司、Tech startup 公司CEO及COO;多次轉行的經驗令她明白世界天天在轉,只有不斷學習,才可以避免固步自封,真心欣賞身邊的事物。”Learn. Unlearn. Re-learn” 理論的奉行者。 多年来發現要學的新事不少,要拼棄的舊想法更多。最近學懂心無旁騖,只做開心的事。
本集是Flo Women’s Club 的第二集podcast,今次訪問另一位主持Lilian, 目的係想讓大家認識我哋。
You can read more about Lilian here
Flow of this podcast:
- What I learned about “change” in the advertising world
- My first big pivot: from advertising to media planning
- Starting in a new industry taught me about vulnerability
- How to problem-solve in a lean, mean startup company
- “Just because you’ve done it before doesn’t mean there’s not a better way to do it.”
- Change can be difficult, but change can also be a beautiful thing.
- Immediate satisfaction cannot sustain long term happiness.
- My motto
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Tags #Flowomenslearningclub, #personalstories, #lilianleong, #梁芷茵, #初創, #廣吿, #職場生活,#轉行轉工, #cantonesepodcast #hongkongpodcast, #podcasthk, #廣東話podcast