
    E9: Flo with LayLay Tarot: 可能係最唔迷信的塔羅占卜身心靈治療師

    當面對重大決定的時候,有時都會感到徬徨無助,不知如何是好。在這些迷茫的時候,有人會求神,有人會問卜。但係求神問卜總予人一種很迷信的感覺,事實上又是否如此呢?LayLay 由最初對㙮羅占卜感興趣,發展到正式成為身心靈治療師,一直堅持不要盲目相信,而要理性認識各種療法的原理及應用方法,從而幫助自己,幫助别人。



    塔羅占卜師;天使靈氣大師級;臼井靈氣大師級;美國SRA認証SRT執行師;美國NGH催眠治療師 ;Reiki Karuna 大師;阿卡西紀錄執行師;IET Master

    You can read more about LayLay and her work here and here.

    Flow of this Flo podcast:

    • What is Tarot, Usui Reiki, and Angelic Reiki? 
    • What is Akashic Records, Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), and Past Life Regression?
    • The Difference between SRT and Past Life Regression
    • My Journey in Healing Others
    • From Hobby to Career
    • Is New Age a Religion?
    • Dealing with Negative Energy

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    Tags #Flowomensclub, #personalstories, #cantonesepodcast #hongkongpodcast, #podcasthk, #廣東話podcast, #LayLayTarot, #塔羅占卜, #身心靈治療師, #臼井靈氣, #天使靈氣, #阿卡西解讀, #SRT調頻, #前世回溯

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